New Logo for Rock Your Destiny
They say a picture is worth a thousand words…that is why I am excited to share my new logo with you. Let me know what you think and what would make Life Rock For YOU~
They say a picture is worth a thousand words…that is why I am excited to share my new logo with you. Let me know what you think and what would make Life Rock For YOU~
A common Question I receive is “Can you really be on the “wrong path in life?” In the ultimate, cosmic sense not really…because there really is nothing wrong in life. You are given opportunities to choose what you moves you forward, what keeps you where you are, or even to fall back into old patterns….
In a world where we have all been taught to fit in and dim our light, something wonderful this way comes…..a shift in consciousness, a new way of being that embraces weirdness and deciding one’s fate. The Word fate comes from latin–fatum–a noun meaning fate, destiny, & weird. Weird? That’s weird, right? Well, it gets…
What will you do with the one great life you have been given? Will you live it fully Self-expressed, on fire, and with passion and purpose? Or will you play it safe and choose what comes easily, refusing to access your higher Potential? Well if you are reading this blog, I know that you have…
It seems as if everyone and their brother want to either be on the Oprah show or to be Oprah herself. Have you ever wondered what it is about her that touches us to our very core? For me, Oprah embodies “Greatness” and is a shining example of someone who has found and confidently owns…
This was such an inspiring call that the hosts wanted me to share with you guys. An hour long of content-rich insight into living your True Destiny in life: we discuss how to get past the mental monsters of fear and doubt, and begin listening to and trusting your heart. < Click here to listen…
You are invited to Join the “No Complaint Lent”……its a free challenge and happening on my Facebook fan page. with myself and many others as we commit to replacing complaining with blessing and expressing gratitude. Here are some success tips for everyone : -Focus on one area in particular where you do your biggest complaining….
What If Changing Your Reality is as Simple as Changing the Way You Think? I always say, transformation is just a new thought away. Brain science is now enabling us to see exactly what it looks like when we form new neural pathways. Watch this amazing short video and challenge yourself to write down 3…
“You are the cause and the cure of your life experiences.” —Michelle L. Casto You are not what has happened to you, you choose who you become. You choose the interpretation of everything that happens to you, and thus become, as it were, “the author of your own success story.” At any moment of any…
We all feel the impulse to love what we do and to enjoy our lives. The impulse to live big dreams. The impulse to make a contribution to the world. Yet why is it so few of us in our lifetimes truly actualize our fullest potential? Many of us have read the books, watched the…