“The only way you can live a truly creative life or know the highest happiness is by developing your own unique potential.”
—Norman Vincent Peale
1. Endings are also beginnings.
2. Learning separates an ordinary from an extraordinary life.
3. The biggest battle is victory over yourself.
4. Your life is the curriculum for your enlightenment.
5. You cannot become what you want by remaining what you are.
6. Great disappointments can lead to great discoveries when you are willing to see the light and do some inner work.
7. Fear is just a lack of understanding.
8. Every person has a great destiny; not every person is willing to do what it takes to live his/her destiny.
9. What matters in this life: truth, love, beauty, and integrity.
10. An attitude of gratitude will bring you every great thing.
11. When you are whole, all things come your way.
12. Be bold because the Universe favors the bold.
13. Dare to Know!
14. A true friend does not allow you to remain stuck in your story.
15. Love is the answer to any question, challenge, or disease.
16. Do what you can today, for tomorrow may never come.
17. Plant when it is time to plant. Harvest when it is time to harvest. Rest when it is time to rest.
18. You can count on one thing in life: change.
19. You can relax about change and just go with the flow.
20. A soul successful person is an active soul-active in learning, active in thinking, active in doing.
21. Resiliency represents personal power.
22. Mortal mind feeds on fear, doubt, and greed.
23. Divine mind fuels you with faith, confidence, and gratitude.
24. Expansion and evolution is what life is all about.
25. You are divine enough to ask and important enough to receive what you desire.
26. Choice is a gift given to humankind. Use it wisely.
27. Your BED (beliefs, emotions, and decisions) create your reality.
28. Be caring and compassionate despite what illusionary misbehavior you see.
29. Heaven or hell is already here because it is your state of mind.
30. People are the most successful who ask for and accept help.
31. You are 100 percent responsible for the messes and successes of your life.
32. Who and what you surround yourself with influence you more than you know.
33. Make today (and everyday) the best day of your life.
Michelle L. Casto AKA Bright Michelle is a woman on a mission to inspire you to discover the Truth of who you are so you can freely shine your brightest light. Whether you are changing careers, making a major life transition, or seeking more meaning from life, you can benefit from the support of an experienced mentor to assist you with navigating the tough spots of walking your highest Destiny. Michelle has worked with thousands of international clientele to find their ideal career path, expertly blending human psychology, spirituality, and the science of success into a powerful formula for personal transformation. Her proven Destiny Success Process (Awake-Shift-Shine-Succeed) empowers people to grow beyond victim mentality and shows them how to be conscious creators of their life. A prolific author of 30+ life transformation products, her latest book, is The Destiny Discovery: Find Your Soul’s Path to Success.