Case Study in Resistance to Change by Dr. Michelle Casto
When you set out to make life or career changes, be aware that there is an unconscious part of you that will sabotage your ability to make progress. Your inner saboteur can be quite sneaky. In fact, it will often put on the brakes or create a diversion tactic to keep you from seeing what’s actually going on.
Did you know that one of its’ biggest fears is resistance to change? Resistance often shows up when you are right on the brink of moving forward in a more destiny-driven direction. This is not unusual. It happens to the best of us.
Let’s take a recent client’s example. ML said she wanted to find her purpose. After working together for two sessions, it was clear that her pesky saboteur was undermining her efforts to take decisive action..
Your psyche is a compilation of beliefs, self-talk, conscious and unconscious patterns. If you are on an awakening path, you are constantly being invited to expand and grow from the inside-out. However, the voices of fear and doubt will speak so loudly that you may believe keeping the familiar is the way to go. The Saboteur is a false self that works in the background to maintain the status quote
Trust Your SOUL
Your soul knows differently. Your soul understands that you are here to express your most authentic self. It’s what you were born for. Being fully expressed means that you must leave your comfort zone and enter into the Courage zone.
The Universe is always evolving just as you are. To keep everything the same or avoid making necessary life changes only increases your suffering. Personal transformation comes in growth cycles, much like the seasons. Unconscious resistance to change displays itself in reasonable sounding excuses. I often hear the “yeah, but” responses. Unconscious resistance ensures that you stay the same by staying safe. You won’t even realize this is what is going on until another person shines a light upon it.
Unconscious resistance can hold significant power over you, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Exposing the hidden truth is the main reason to work with a trusted mentor who can help you release the resistance. When you can acknowledge to yourself – perhaps for the first time- that you have come as far as you can – that’s a life-changing day.
With mentoring, you can become free to step into your Courage zone. Like many of my clients, ML was blind to where she herself was holding herself back. She hadn’t yet learned how to distinguish the ego voice from her Soul’s quiet voice. She just knew that she wasn’t taking action on the things she said that she wanted to, like applying for more purposeful positions. The result was that she felt quite frustrated and stuck in the muck.
As her coach, it was easy for me to see that there was nothing wrong with her but that unconscious resistance blocking her efforts. We discussed the value of becoming empowered and she learned to befriend this part of herself. We then applied Quantum Success Energetics to shift the subconscious energetic blocks.
As she grew in her ability to be courageous, she was able to give her saboteur a new job, and then began making great strides along her purpose path. ML and I worked on being curious when fearful thoughts arose and a simple process to replace them with more empowering ones. I am so proud of her for being willing to be mentored in her personal growth process.
When I work with a client, especially when I’m giving a healing, I know there is a Presence greater than any circumstance. I know they are whole, complete, and loved just as they are. I must align with this knowing that their wholeness exists now if healing is to happen. I am a just a channel, because it’s the client’s willingness + Divine Consciousness that does the healing.
Being supported does take courage and choosing to have faith that things can get better. Just remember that it’s safe to let go and move beyond beyond your comfort zone. You can do it and I can help.
Michelle L. Casto is a Spiritual Awakening Guide, Writer of Self Empowerment books and Destiny Guide. |