A very important concept in my book, The Destiny Discovery: Find Your Soul’s Path to Success is that we have “divine appointments” with people that are meant to help us get where we are meant to go. Here is a direct quote from the book, “Destiny works in partnership with the people in our lives and we are given ample opportunities to connect with those who can lead us further along our path. I call these people “divine appointments.” The cast of characters in our lives are perfectly prepared to assist, challenge, and sometimes torment us—all for the benefit of our Soul’s evolution on the path to discovering our Destiny.”
You may be where I was 7 years ago, struggling to find your way after a major transition, (divorce, job change, health or wealth challenge).
I tried with all the power I could muster not to fall back into ‘default mode’ and to find the clarity and strength that comes from knowing your Purpose in life. But try as I did, I kept falling back into old patterns. And why? I did not have a map or a guide to help me find my way.
And now, after many major transformations and a lot of learning and growth, I have found the one path that has led to myDestiny.
Now I am here to assist others who are awakening to their Greatest Purpose in life.
For some of you, I am your divine appointment.
If I am, you will know it. (Major clue from the Universe, if you are reading this….well, HELLO?!)
Michelle L. Casto is a renowned Life & Business Coach, and advocate for ‘everyday enlightenment’ and full soul expression. Throughout her 20-year career, she has published over 30 life empowerment and career development books, including Get Your Career on the Fast Track. A former university lecturer and career counselor, Michelle has worked with thousands of international clientele to find their ideal career path. A natural-born empath and healer, Michelle has become well known for her “potent magic” that transforms people into knowing & honoring who they are at a very deep level. Michelle’s mission is to awaken people to their soul purpose through her unique Destiny Success Process. She lives in San Antonio, Texas with her beloved and two dogs.