Tell us a little of your back story of how you discovering your empathy?
My back story….. I always functioned as an Empath in sensing and feeling. Needing time alone to center and feel better. I would have times of overwhelm, anxiety and mood swings. I managed this way of being without awareness for 40 years. I was always tuning into people – analytical and insightful – people telling me their stories – and, able to forecast what was about to happen. What woke me up was a friendship that brought on significant emotions – a rollercoaster of them to be precise – that I could not ignore. I call this time in my life – my awakening experience – because it opened me up with an intensity of emotions that could not be ignored. It was this experience that led me to question my own awareness of myself – and, eventually find the word Empath. The story from there goes on….. but, that marked the beginning of priceless changes in my life.
What is the typical path for an awakening empath to becoming an empowered empath?
There is no typical path – it’s very individual to be honest because our situations and awareness are all unique to us. To become “empowered” (for me) means a strength and awareness of your soul connection. This means the Empath is embracing their unique path – one of self-healing and higher awareness. Empowered Empaths understand inner connection, the environment around them and their purpose. Empowered Empaths are awake.
What are your best recommendations for self-care?
My best recommendation for self-care is music – 432 HZ or nature – large doses of this every day. I’ve heard a lot of research about the solar plexus chakra, how can that be cleared and strengthened? Good question. Since each of the chakras are connected – it’s rather tough to clear or strengthen one in isolation. I would focus first on the heart center to soften and release what stops you from loving. In this process – the polarity will shift and you can then start to feel what is underachieve or overactive. To bring chakras in balance is the goal. The solar plexus related to doing in the world. I would look at fears and “on purpose” reflect on them with an awareness of polarities and your path to balance. Tuning into the energy to understand and transmute it is important. Starting to feel and describe it is important (ie.. stagnant, slow, anxious, heavy, etc.). Trusting in your energy body – your ability to move energy and connect to spirit (kundalini, guides, angels or masters) is important. As you can see, there is a process in place. You strengthen yourself one step at a time – following where you are being guided and trusting the process.
Do you use any energy clearing techniques in particular?
There is not one process in particular that I have consistently used…. As I have matured, I had added tools to my toolbox. What role do you see empaths playing the Awakening of humanity? A very important role – in the sense that we are healers, teachers and transmuters. By example and by mission – we are here to help one another awaken and clear the path to support and guide them.
What project are you currently working on?
The main project at this point is me. Addressing and managing my kundalini. Clearing deeper wounds that are rising to the surface and embracing even stronger spirit communication. I am also moving through the process of death and grief. Secondly main project would be Empath Evolution and finding its exact path. I am Empath Evolution and, we are in transition.
MICHELLE J. HOWE is a powerful channel of high vibrational energies, an Evolutionary Guide, Awakening Speaker, and a Master Healer. She is also the founder of Empath Evolution and the curator of The Empath Evolution Community for individuals who are Highly Sensitive Feelers, Healers and Empaths. Visit