Have you ever wondered how to get energetically aligned with having what you most desire?
I certainly have. In the past, I had tried just about everything. So here is a short-cut to the “good place” where your vibration matches your desire.
When I work with my clients I help them achieve a Success with Ease Frequency, such that things magnetize to them vs them having to work hard.
Caroline Myss, the famous spiritual teacher advises her students to practice congruence between the mind and the Spirit. When we are congruent, our mind, body and spirit are lined up with one another and we become a conduit for the magic and miracles of Divine Consciousness to flow through us.
As you learn and practice the laws of Universal Creation, you should know the following 3 things:
1. Everything is Energy
As science proves, “nothing stands still. ” Rocks, walls and humans are made of electrons which are moving. The speed of the movement (vibration) determines whether something is visible (Matter) or invisible (light, sound, xrays). In truth, you as a person are a field of energy which is vibrating at various frequencies and sending out energetic messages on a continual (and usually subconscious basis).
2. Focused or Scattered
In addition to speed, an energy field will have the property of being focused or diffuse. Consider the example of a lightbulb. One can have the wattage of 40 or another 150, and keep in mind that light bulbs are diffuse and are able to fill up an entire room. While a laser beam is composed of Focused light energy strong enough to cut metal.
3. Law of Alignment
Law of alignment is when you have cleared subconscious beliefs and hidden blocks and are radiating a consistent transmission of Yes, I will have That! I feel worthy and deserving of having that! In other words you are aligned. You act more like a laser beam targeting in on what you desire and then using the law of attraction to draw it to you.
Hope this simple explanation helps. I truly believe the key is to become heart empowered because your heart is your Creation Station. If you would like to learn how to let go, become loving, free, empowered and ALIGNED, then be sure to read my new book. It’s on special right now at https://amzn.to/33ASMsf
Heart Empowerment for Empaths: “This book is magic! Dr. Michelle ‘gets it’ and so will you.
She helps you as an empath/sensitive person to open your heart to flow with Divine Consciousness and
spread Light. She shares specifically how to align the fragmented parts of our soul
and do the healing work necessary for removing the ‘Defensive Heart’ blocks that
obstruct the full experience of receiving and sharing Light. This book will help
you, in a step by step manner, with her Heart Empowerment Protocol, to connect with
your angelic self and live a truly empowered life.” –Dr M Smith, EmpathConnection.com