Q: Once we discover our destiny, how do you recommend getting past the resistance to living it?
Resistance is what stands between the life you live and the unlived life within you. When I experienced the greatest resistance was when I made the biggest break through inmy life and career. On a deep level, I knew something was needing to change inmy life, something big like a relationship break-up, and a move of residence, but I did not want to think about leavingmy comfort zone of living on the island where I very much enjoyed a quiet, simple life where I could still runmy virtual business.
When something like this happens in your life, recognize that it is a very important choice-point. What you choose to do (or not do) has far reaching effects; so be careful, because if you let resistance rule you instead of your “greatness,” you may miss out on the life experiences that you are meant to have.
For example, when I made the change, I met and married the man of my dreams, attracted new soul-mated friends and my business took off. I know in my heart none of that would have occurred, had I resisted what I knew was true for me—even though it was a lot of work—I went through a lot of release and had to pack and unpack my stuff three times in one year, until I settled in with a wonderful new home with my hunky buns.
Once I faced the fear, felt my way through it, and accepted my next step, all those physical symptoms subsided, and a new sense of Self and a burst of energy became activated.
When you are shifting through a major transition (divorce, career change, move, financial challenge, living your PURPOSE), it is common to be in a state of negative emotional and mental overload that makes it difficult to think clearly and make wise decisions.
However, the stress that you are experiencing is the perfect prescription to evolve your soul—if you choose to see the blessing in the chaos (by the way, chaos, change and challenge are what I know to be “stepping stones to Destiny.”)
You can learn new skills that are built upon a spiritual foundation and learn to access the wisdom of your own soul which will empower you to recreate your reality based on what you really desire.
Whether you are changing careers, making a major life transition, starting or building a business, you can benefit from the support of an expert guide to assist you with navigating the tough spots of walking your highest Destiny. Michelle Casto, known as “The Destiny Diva”, is one of the most effective spiritual and life transformation coaches in the world. Michelle expertly blends human psychology, spirituality, and the science of success into a powerful formula for personal transformation. Her proven Destiny Success Process (Awake-Shift-Shine-Succeed) empowers people to grow beyond victim mentality and shows them how to be conscious creators of their life. Her signature Destiny RX has successfully allowed her clients to set their soul free to succeed in life and business. Wherever you are on your soul’s journey, Michelle can be your guiding light toward your path of Destiny.