Sing & Shine
You are the Song
and the music
harmonizing with Great Spirit
You are what is lost
and found.
finding its way home
You are the dark
and the light
dancing as One.
Man creates religion
let no one tell you
who you are
The time has come…
Initiate Your Inner Priestess
to reflect your beauty,
love and wisdom
Shine Your Light
for all to See.
A Goddess Awakens
She wakes from a forgetful, trance-like state Unconsciously rolls over and feels an embryo inside Forgetting her divine power and wisdom Sophia calls to her She walks out the door Tripping over the obstacles in her path Shedding tears for time lapsed Embracing her divine feminine She faces the blowing wind Approaching a male rock un-moveable even in her magical presence Growing stronger She leaves the rock Befriending another entranced maiden She says “You are not a slave” Vision restored Joyfully She sings the immortal song of Isis Endowing all those on her path with The Christ Light She sets other Goddesses free Uncompromising in who she is Her juices are flowing She is glowing from within She remembers the baby growing inside Her offer to the world Conceived without conception She is pregnant with Passion Purpose Possibility Amazing Grace! A single woman Giving birth to humanity’s savior Psyche Enlightened takes her rightful place and consciously creates a new world order.
Your Presence is a Gift
Your presence is a gift to the world. You are a unique human being like no other. Be your Being--Your Core Essence. What was there all along. Before disappointment set in. It’s your light. Your energetic blueprint. Your texture. Your movement. Your song. Your dance. It’s your beingness. What came before the doing. Your timelessness. Its your stillness. It’s the you that lights up the room. It’s the you that touches, moves and inspires others to be their best. It’s the you behind the masks of making nice and playing it safe. It’s the you that Just Is. The you that opens to life and lets love right in. Your presence is a gift. Who will you choose to be?
I AM a Golden girl of faith, love and hope On a rocky path of personal growth Dedicating my heart to finding Truth Destined to be rejected by the matrix Even though life came crashing down Still I search for what matters Shining my light despite the darkness about the author Michelle Casto (aka Bright Michelle) is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Rock Your Destiny Coaching is an Awakening Guide, author, & Energy Alignment Expert. A prolific author, her latest book is a guide to awakening to and living your Destiny: The Destiny Discovery:Find Your Soul’s Path to Success found at