Aristotle once said, “where your talents and the needs of the world cross, lies your calling”.
Think about that….you have innate knowledge, skills and abilities that the world needs. Each of us has a part to play and the only way you can accept that part is by accepting your unique Purpose in life.
The world certainly could use a lot more light, love, healing, inspiration and guidance, heart, art, music, adventure, abundance, fun, laughter and spiritual nourishment. My guess is that if you are reading this, then you have something to offer in at least one of these categories.
Are you aware that you (yes YOU) are here to bring more light to the world—to serve humanity is some special way, that only you can?
It’s true. After helping thousands of people over the past 15 years, I have come to know that if you are not living your Destiny, you may be missing out on the fun, freedom and fulfillment that you desire.
You may need some help to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you are destined to be. And that’s where a mentor comes in. I have the map to the place that you want to go and can act as your personal guide, helping you avoid the deadly D’s like doubt, detours, and delusions and step confidently on your True Path in life.
What I know for sure is until you wake up and answer the call of your Soul, you will feel like something “more” is missing.
Let me help you discover the role you are meant to play. Why not start with a Breakthrough to Clarity session and begin to see a new possibility for your life and career?
All you have to do is be willing to answer the CALL !
About Michelle Casto, The Destiny Diva & Transformational Author
Through her practice of Transformational Coaching, Michelle Casto helps people release what’s in the way of fulfilling their greatest Destiny. Michelle combines a unique formula of spiritual guidance, mindset re-setting techniques with an empathic and intuitive heart to help her clients access the self-love, courage and confidence essential to creating life on purpose and with the highest consciousness. Michelle focuses on the heart of the matter and expertly reveals where you may be deceiving yourself and buying into illusions or outdated belief systems to set your Soul free to Succeed. A prolific author, her latest book is The Destiny Discovery: Find Your Soul’s Path to Success, available on and audio version on
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